The truth about our tutors

They’re all qualified teachers, exceptional NCEA achievers or experts in their fields – but what you don’t know is, our tutors get as much from your kids as your kids get from them!


20 benefits of tutoring

Wondering whether tutoring can help your child? Discover the benefits of tutoring and the main reasons you might choose a tutor.


Does tutoring work?

Is your child performing at their optimal level? Would tutoring support them in realising their potential? How do you know if the money you invest will actually help?


How much does tutoring cost?

Ever wondered why some tutors cost more than others? It comes down to supply and demand, format, and expertise, however consider the hidden cost of time and convenience.


Choosing the right tutor

Tutoring can be a considerable expense on top of regular school fees so it’s understandable that you want to maximise your investment. But judging the short and long term effectiveness of tutoring i...

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